Before entering the aging furnace, the extruded aluminum profiles need to be cut into the required length, which is typically around 6-7 meters long. The function of the cut-off saw is to cut the profiles into the appropriate length.
In addition, the cut-off saw is equipped with an oil quenching device and a cyclone dust collector. The rollers on both sides of the cut-off saw are made of plastic to avoid scratching the profiles.
The machine uses pneumatic cylinders and guide rods to clamp the aluminum profiles, and a hydraulic system to drive the rotating saw blade to cut the profiles at a constant speed. The saw blade quickly descends and returns to the machine, and all the chips are collected by a high-performance dust collector with strong wind. The machine can be connected to the production line and is fully automated with PLC control.
此外,成品鋸台配備了淬油裝置,以及旋風集削裝置,成品鋸台兩旁的滾輪為塑膠製,可以避免型材刮傷。 本機台是以氣壓缸及導桿壓緊鋁型材﹐再用油壓驅動之旋轉鋸片等速度切斷鋁材﹐再快速下滑往回到機台內﹐所有切屑皆用強風及高性能集塵機回收切屑﹐利用PLC全自動控制所有功能及可與生產線連線運作。