Our company’s Low Frequency-Billet Induction Heating Furnace differs from traditional induction heating methods by utilizing variable frequency heating. The principle involves passing the current through rectification and inverting it to the appropriate frequency before generating an inverse magnetic field within the specially designed heating furnace circuit and coil. This results in the metal material to be heated producing an alternating current within itself, leading to self-heating and achieving low energy consumption and high thermal efficiency.
Currently, our company produces single-chamber and double-chamber Low Frequency-Billet Induction Heating Furnaces.
我司功頻爐是將材料有別於傳統感應加熱,而採用變頻加熱之方式 , 原理是將工頻電流通過整流 , 逆變輸出為合適頻率的電流,透過特殊設計的加熱爐回路與爐體線圈產生逆變磁場 , 欲加熱之金屬材料將於爐內自身產生交變電流 , 使其自身加熱, 以達到低耗能與高熱效之功效。